Assisting Communities

The Crocodile Community Protection Group is a Non-Profit Organization in the North West Brits area that was established 5 years ago by one of Afrique Du Sud K9’s Directors Mr. Chris Degenaar.

Due to the fact that the farming community in this area was targeted by high crime and farm attacks, Mr. Degenaar started this community forum by bringing a whole community together of more than 280 households and total area of 114 000 ha.

Today the Crocodile Community Protection Group is the biggest success story of rural community safety in South Africa. They are the largest safety forum in the North West Province with the lowest crime rates in North West with Afrique Du Sud K9 as their security service provider.

The Crocodile Community Group together with Afrique Du Sud K9 have an ongoing working relationship with the SAPS in North West on a 24 hour basis. The following people is references from the South Africa Police Services and can be contacted:

Brig. Marx – Cluster Commander 012 381 6082

Brig. Emanuel – Station Commander 012 381 6082

W/O Prinsloo – Sector Manager 079 881 9935

W/O Du Plessis – Head of Detectives 082 575 8228 Const. Moeng – Rural Safety 072 150 1656

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